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St Thomas the Apostle School and 6th Form College

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

“A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints.”

(from Pope Benedict’s address to young people, St Mary’s College, Twickenham, September 2010)


As well as leading and organising the moments of collective worship and retreats, our Chaplaincy Team of staff and students also offers a number of opportunities for students and staff to explore and deepen their faith both within and outside of school.

Bible Study Every Friday after-school and lead by Yr 11 students for KS3-4 students
6th Form Prayer Group

Every Friday after-school lead by staff and students

Friday Prayers

Opportunity for our Muslim students and staff to meet for prayers

Beyond the Stars

Every Wednesday lunchtime for KS3 students to explore and deepen Faith

Faith & Life

Every Friday lunchtime for KS4/5 students to explore the relevance of Faith to everyday life

Lenten Prayers

Every Friday morning during the season of Lent for staff and students.


Sacrament of Reconciliation offered to students during final week of Lent term with a team of local priests on a rota each day.

Diocesan Mass

Each year a group of students representing each year group attends the Diocesan Mass for the New Academic Year at St George’s Cathedral with Archbishop John Wilson

Flame 2025

A group of 20 students will attend Flame accompanied by members of the Chaplaincy Team

Pilgrimage Abroad

The staff and student Chaplaincy Team are currently planning a pilgrimage to celebrate both the Jubilee ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and the 60th Anniversary of the school (2025-2026)