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St Thomas the Apostle School and 6th Form College

Senior Prefects Roles


Olasiju/David - Sport/ Physical Recreation

Daniella/Moyin - Liturgy and Charity events

Hazel/Rhiannon - Employability

Boaz/Josiah - Ex curricular clubs

Jean Francois- Public Speaking

Ahmed/Michelle - Mentoring

Martin - Logistics and Events

Ezekiel/Joshua - Community and Culture

Joyce/Franklyn - Recruitment


Description of Role

Sport / Physical Recreation

  • Liaise with the PE department about provision of 6th form sport
  • Encourage healthy lifestyles for 6th formers
  • Liaise with PE department to assist where needed and help with other year groups, sports teams and clubs
  • Evaluate offer in enrichment and Friday afterschool
  • Increase numbers across whole school in sporting house events

Role includes:

  • Attend all sporting house events
  • Attend sports day to assist PE department
  • Attend one club/lesson a week to help students in lower years


Liturgy and Charity events

  • Liaise with chaplaincy team on 6th formers helping at masses and other religious events
  • Lead 6th formers doing reflective prayer in assemblies and form time
  • Ensure there is active involvement for 6th formers taking part in charity events

Role includes:

  • Have a rota for prayers each week in assembly
  • Be able to help reading or being an alter server in church
  • Lead year group with charities week
  • Assist in wrapping and delivering hampers



  • Liaise with 6th form team, Ms Begum and Mr Hammond on employability events

Role includes:

  • Send reminders to year group on deadlines
  • Help target students who are not engaging in activities
  • Liaise with form tutors on engagement with UniFrog
  • Celebrate successes in assemblies


Ex curricular clubs

  • Encourage range of activities and participation in 6th form
  • Assist other year groups and departments where necessary

Role includes:

  • Help Ms Pearce with improving participation of lower school clubs
  • Help with rewards for ex curricular participation
  • Ensure there are at least two 6th form led ex curricular clubs


Public Speaking

  • Lead on public speaking competitions and events
  • Give constructive feedback to peers where necessary
  • Find opportunities for 6th formers to take part in public speaking

Role includes:

  • Speak at whole school events
  • Lead assemblies
  • Discover ways for the 6th form to improve on interview skills
  • Be an active member of debate mate club, going every week



  • Mentor other students in other year groups that need guidance, could be helping academically or pastorally. This needs to be once a week.

Role includes:

  • Liaise with relevant Heads of Year
  • Do mentoring as one of your enrichment options

Training for this role will be provided


Logistics and events

You need to have amazing organisation for this role. 

  • Get the prefect team where they need to be for events and duties
  • Organise a team together with limited notice

Role includes:

  • Organise a rota for common room duties at lunch and after school
  • Help out with parents evenings
  • Help out with whole school lunch duty rota when Year 11s are not available


Community and culture

  • Help with projects to ensure the 6th form help out the rest of the school and each other
  • Liaise with Mr Hammond about STAC ethos

Role includes:

  • Do a write up for school newsletter on STAC ethos on 2 weekly basis
  • Ensure 6th formers are modelling our expectations
  • Review enrichment offer
  • Help celebrate STAC ethos in Year 12 assemblies
  • Ensure notice boards in common room are up to date and tidy



This will involve speaking in front of small and large groups of people. You will be key person helping out with Year 11 internal and external recruitment.

  • help promote STAC 6th form
  • guide students from STAC and other schools about what we do and why

Role includes:

  • Help with Year 12 induction 2024
  • Make videos and PowerPoints for Year 11 to guide with application
  • Set up speed dating event with Year 11, 12 and 13 on subject selection
  • Attend events at other schools along with members of the 6th form team