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St Thomas the Apostle School and 6th Form College

Oxbridge Programme



The Oxbridge Pathways Programme is one that recognises the needs of pupils who have the potential to gain places at the most competitive and prestigious Higher Education institutions.


Initially pupils are selected on their academic ability by their attainment at GCSE. However, pupil’s progress and attitude to study at A-Level will be taken into account. We are fully committed to supporting our brightest students and we have ringfenced funding of £1500 in order to achieve this.


The programme aims to support pupils in reaching their full potential through University visits, masterclasses, lectures, workshops and mentoring. These are designed to supplement and enrich their learning and works alongside the excellent teaching at St Thomas the Apostle College.


Every pupil on the programme will receive the following:

  • A visit to the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge (usually both).
  • A visit to the prestigious Oxbridge conference where they will meet lecturers from both Oxbridge Universities.
  • Priority access to two members of staff who are responsible for competitive applications.
  • Interview preparation from a variety of partnerships, including Dulwich College.
  • Q and A session with an admissions tutor at University of Oxford and University of Cambridge.
  • Bespoke mentoring from a variety of stakeholders and partnership groups including Oxbridge alumni, medical and legal professionals.
  • Access to ringfenced funding for Oxbridge candidates.
  • Visits to lectures including: Imperial College, Kings College and UCL.


We recognise that this process does not begin in Year 12 and this is why we work in partnership with parents and pupils from KS4 to support their child on this academic journey.